Dreamers of a Vision

By: Sergio Edelstein








They marked us

They marked a path for us

They marked us

They marked us with their personal example

They remind us

They remind us of the objective of their realization

They served us on a silver platter

The dream of the Jewish People for generations

They dreamed

They dreamed a Vision

Each generation has its characteristics, its historical challenges and a reality in which it develops. A common denominator guides us during the last seven decades, in the challenge of the national consolidation of the Jewish State, as the national home of the Jewish People: the remarkable sacrifice of the latter, in the defense of Israel, so that the whole people can fulfill the dream of the return to Zion.

Thousands of bogrim from Hanoar Hatzioní have fulfilled the legacy of self-realization in the State of Israel, living as Jews in a society in which Judaism can be lived as a norm. Cultural creation in all its ranges, the implementation of the Jewish calendar as a national calendar, the Hebrew language as a modern means of communication, even sports, are characteristics of the sovereign return to Israel.

And as part of this developing society, several of the Hanoar Hatzioni Bogrim have given their lives for the defense of Israel. From the fight for the creation of the state, to the waves of suicide attacks, bogrim that have made Alia made from the different Kenim in the world, are remembered every day in general and in Yon Hazikaron in particular.

As the bogrim of Hanoar Hatzioní, who carry the educational torch, we have the responsibility and the duty to maintain their memory, teaching our Chanichim their legacy and the meaning of their dreams. They are the dreamers of the vision.


Chaver of Hanoar Hatzioni in Romania. He made Alia in the illegal immigration ship “Daryan 2” and was imprisoned by the British for a year and a half. In 1943, as a member of the Hagana, he volunteered to parachute into enemy lines in Europe. The British assigned him intelligence missions and in the fulfillment of these he was found by the Nazi forces. Aba was assassinated in the Mauthausen concentration camp on January 26, 1945.


Chavera of Hanoar Hatzioni in Uruguay. Madricha, chalutza, magshima and combatant. During the War of Independence, Dvora, as chavera of the Tnua, identified with the Zionist ideal and our national dream, took up arms to defend Nitzanim, her kibbutz, until the last moment. The fact that this has happened in times where the role of women was far from the battlefield shows her unique pioneering figure.


Chaver of Hanoar Hatzioni in Argentina. In 1945, he joined the first kvutza that made Aliá to kibbutz Nitzanim. Emissary of Israel in Cyprus to attend to survivors of the Shoa, secretary of the South American “garin alia” in Nitzanim and activist to bring the Maapilim from the ship “Shabtai Lozinski”, are some of the missions that he managed to fulfill in his short life. Yahacov fell defending the Kibbutz Nitzanim.


Chaver of Hanoar Hatzioni in Uruguay. Member of the movement’s Hachshara in Miguez, where he was the coordinator of the work. He made Alia to Kibbutz Nitzanim. Once in Israel he was drafted in the Palmach and during the War of Independence he fell defending the Negev. Abraham fought, lived and worked for an ideal of redemption for his people in his homeland. He took part in fulfilling this ancient dream.


Chaver of Hanoar Hatzioni in Argentina. Member of the Hanaga Artzit and due to his abilities, he was sent to Hanoar Hatzioni Chile as an educational reference. He was part of the Garin “Lamakor” which made Alia to Kibbutz Nitzanim. In 1967, he began his period as a soldier, joining the IDF (Tzahal). In l969, during the War of Attrition, Moshe Neuhaus fell, fighting against the Egyptian enemy.


Chaver of Hanoar Hatzioni in Argentina. At the Tnua he was noted for his organizational and leadership skills. In 1957 he made Alia. Professor of mathematics and physics, he studied pedagogy and didactics at Tel Aviv University. He continued his Zionist work writing articles on the relationship between Israel and the Jewish diaspora. At the end of his obligatory service in the IDF (Tzahal), he remained in the reserve corps. In 1967, Haim fell while doing his duty, when the car he was driving exploded after he stepped on a mine.


Chaver of Hanoar Hatzioni in Argentina. He lived his adolescence in the Tnua and made Alia in 1992. He studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, served in Tzahal and then completed a Master’s degree. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his first mission was in Peru as Deputy Head of Delegation for Politics, Economy and Culture. Diego postponed his departure to present his latest university work: “How to live peacefully with the Palestinian people.” In 2002 Diego died as a victim of a terrorist act at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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